ID: 74362
Category: Literature
Clasification Unesco: Sciences of arts and letters::Literary theory, analysis and criticism::Literary analysis
Description: Elaborated by Dr. Victoria Puchal Terol. Grup d'Investigació Literatura, Art i Espectacle (GIUV2017–357). Proyecto Docente (Ref: UV-SFPIE_PID20 1354115)
This is an interactive pdf document that includes links to useful resources related to travel literature, travel writers and female travellers from the nineteenth century. It includes references to authors such as Julia Pardoe, Isabella Bird and Mary Kingsley. This interactive pdf document also includes an index of female robinsonades that can be of interest to both undergraduates and more experienced scholars.
Labels: travel literature, female travellers, nineteenth century
Score: Sense puntuacio (puntuar).
License CC: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
Visits: 128
Elaborated by Dr. Victoria Puchal Terol. Grup d'Investigació Literatura, Art i Espectacle (GIUV2017–357). Proyecto Docente (Ref: UV-SFPIE_PID20 1354115) This is an interactive pdf document that includes links to useful resources related to travel literature, travel writers and female travellers from the nineteenth century. It includes references to authors such as Julia Pardoe, Isabella Bird and Mary Kingsley. This interactive pdf document also includes an index of female robinsonades that can be of interest to both undergraduates and more experienced scholars.