General organization of the abdomen. Retroperitoneal vessels and nerves (part 2)

Data d'actualització: 19/03/2024 09:55:45

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ID: 76026
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Category: Anatomy RSS Anatomy
Clasification Unesco: Life sciences::Human biology::Human anatomy
Description: Second part of the recorded explanation of the general organization of the abdomen, and the retroperitoneal vessels and nerves. Corresponding to the Visceral Anatomy lessons of the AI group, 2023-2024, first year of Medicine, Universitat de València
Labels: visceral anatomy; abdomen; retroperitoneal,
Resolution:  640 x 480  4:3
Score: Sense puntuacio (puntuar).
License CC: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
Visits: 173

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