School experiences of LGBT+ youth

Data d'actualització: 10/03/2023 10:15:58

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ID: 74977
Código de inserción:
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Categoría: Educación RSS Educación
Clasificación Unesco: Sin categorizar
Descripción: Seminario "School experiences of LGBT+ youth" (Richard Harris, University of Reading, UK). This talk examines the experiences of LGBTQ+ youngsters in schools and the challenges that they face. Drawing on different small-scale studies, this talk will address issues around school culture and school climate, and the impact this has on the lives of LGBTQ+ youngsters, in particular how this can contribute to issues around identity and isolation. The talk will explore what schools could do to improve the educational experiences of youngsters who identify as LGBTQ+. Esta conferencia se ha realizado en el marco de las acciones de internacionalización en casa de la Facultat de Psicologia i Logopèdia de la UV.
Resolucion:  1920 x 1080  16:9
Puntuación: Sense puntuacio (puntuar).
Licencia CC: Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc)a
Visitas: 243

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School experiences of LGBT+ youth

Seminario "School experiences of LGBT+ youth" (Richard Harris, University of Reading, UK). This talk examines the experiences of LGBTQ+ youngsters in schools and the challenges that they face. Drawing on different small-scale studies, this talk will address issues around school culture and school climate, and the impact this has on the lives of LGBTQ+ youngsters, in particular how this can contribute to issues around identity and isolation. The talk will explore what schools could do to improve the educational experiences of youngsters who identify as LGBTQ+. Esta conferencia se ha realizado en el marco de las acciones de internacionalización en casa de la Facultat de Psicologia i Logopèdia de la UV.