From morphology and phylogeny to physiology, reappraising the lichen phycobiont genus Trebouxia (Chlorophyta)

Data d'actualització: 19/02/2022 01:44:25

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ID: 73049
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Category: Mathematical RSS Mathematical
Clasification Unesco: Life sciences::Plant biology (botany)::Bryology
Description: César Daniel Bordenave, Ayelén Gázquez, Salvador Chiva, Patricia Moya, Marta Pérez-Rodrigo, Francisco Marco, Isaac Garrido-Benavent, Arantzazu Molins Piqueres, Lucía Muggia, Pedro Carrasco and Eva Barreno. From morphology and phylogeny to physiology, reappraising the lichen phycobiont genus Trebouxia (Chlorophyta).
Resolution:  1280 x 720  16:9
Score: Sense puntuacio (puntuar).
License CC: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
Visits: 275

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