The Spanish Civil War and the Last Photogenic War

Data d'actualització: 20/11/2013 09:41:45

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ID: 35528
Código de inserción:
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Categoría: Historia RSS Historia
Clasificación Unesco: Historia
Descripción: Lecture given by the authour at New York University on 27 April, 2013 in the framework of a Symposium entitled 'The Desire to See: the Construction and Circulation of Images of Atrocity'
Etiquetas: Spanish civil war
Resolucion:  1280 x 720  16:9
Puntuación: Sense puntuacio (puntuar).
Licencia CC: No asignada
Visitas: 881

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The Spanish Civil War and the Last Photogenic War

Lecture given by the authour at New York University on 27 April, 2013 in the framework of a Symposium entitled 'The Desire to See: the Construction and Circulation of Images of Atrocity'

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