Pocahontas and John Smith

Data d'actualització: 11/09/2019 09:33:31

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ID: 55360
URL: https://mmedia.uv.es/html5/u/ab/abrico/55360_pocahontasandjohnsmithbyaurorabrunetandrAspArezmiguelmorenoandsilviaangelici.mp4
Embed code:
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Category: History RSS History
Clasification Unesco: History
Description: Educational musical video on the history of Pocahontas and John Smith
Labels: history of the United States, Pocahontas, John Smith, settler colonialism
Resolution:  640 x 352  unknown
Score: Sense puntuacio (puntuar).
License CC: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
Visits: 950

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