Content regulation

This message will be sent to the media owner and the multimedia administrator
chmetadata_bsds.swf.flv (STEP 2.1 Change log inventory HLQ:)
This is automated with job RBLDLOGI which prints DBF.BSDS01 log inventory, reads its output (SYSADM.TEMP.PRNTBSDS) and generates a JOB (SYSADM.TEMP.JU004) to: 1.-) Change BSDS HLQ 2.-) Delete LOGCOPIES with source HLQ 3.-) Create new LOGCOPIES with target HLQ and START/END RBAs taken from log inventory output. At this point we can start target system.Target DB2 subsystem is started in MAINTENACE MODE: /-DBF START DB2 ACCESS(MAINT)

Why do you think of that this video is inadequate and would have to be eliminated of the public exhibition?